Confirmation is a sacramental rite (that is, a Spirit-filled and Spirit-led ritual) in which a believer, who has already been baptized, makes a mature commitment to the faith and has their relationship with God, the Church, and the Mission of Jesus strengthened by the Holy Spirit through the Bishop’s prayer and laying on of hands.
Confirmation is particularly relevant for adults who may have been baptized as young children and feel led to publicly affirm their commitment to Jesus for themselves. But it’s also relevant for those who have been baptized as adults and would like to have their commitment to Jesus and equipping for ministry further strengthened by the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the laying on of hands.
But what about people who are already Confirmed yet also feel the need to have their relationship with God, the Church, and the Mission of Jesus strengthened?
Those who have already been Confirmed can Reaffirm their Faith and have the Bishop personally pray for them to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit as well.
If you have questions about Confirmation or are interested in publicly Reaffirming your faith during Archbishop David Edward’s visit, please reach out to Rev. David Turner and let him know.
You can contact Rev. David Turner at david.turner@anglican.nb.ca or by calling the parish office.